Saturday, July 29, 2006

Painting...and a deja vu on the threshold

The kitchen is already looking brighter, ecen though I have only about half the painting done. It's take the better part of two days largely because that green color is nearly impossible to cover in less than three coats (one primer and two paint or vice-versa, doesn't matter). I'm using a "high-hiding" primer supposedly for covering dark colors. I saw no difference. I'm goting to have to but more primer tomorrow and I'm getting the best available, no mater what it costs. This is taking too long and too much effort and there's a lot more to do.

The threshhold is almost done, some trim work remaining. Doing that in the 96-degree 104 heat index conditions yesterday was a blast. I sweat through four t-shirts. Curious development: When I was trying to fingure out where to cut the subfloor to patch in a new piece, I noticed a seam and followed it. THIS has happened before! I found new 'sister' joists and patched in wood. They repaired the damage but left the root problem, which I may do as well. The people living there should install gutters, but hopefully we won't own the house long enough for that to happen again!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Still in the 'fining surprises' stage!

Well, I spent about $80 on incidentals, some I had planned on, some not. All three toilet seats have to be replaced, though I only bought one, since I plan to check 'Habitat Reuse Center' for these and a few other things in a couple of days.

Today was one of those days where I did a lot of work, but have little to show for it, except a new lock on the door. This mostly a setup day anway. (BTW, I you ever come across "Gatehouse" locks and the package says "fits all doors" they're lying! Luckily I had a drill and a few wood-boring bits. They fit now!) I dragged a lot of tubs of tools and supplies over and did oddball stuff, like unsticking some windows. That purple paint may be ugly, but it's tough. Didn't have all the equipment to do any painting. I waited all afternoon for the water guys to turn that water on, but they didn't get there until after five, so I did other stiff, sine I can't really paint without water. (I can but the brushes get tossed.)

Some surprises. There'a always a few things the inspector misses.

  • Something funny with the A/C. It worked yesterday, but today the compressor came on but no fan. I tried various this with the thermostat, but nothing worked until I flipper the breakers off and on. I have a feeling that blower fan might be going. The upstairs really doesn't get much air.
  • The left sink in the main bath is cracked and probably has to go (Habittat item maybe, but I'm thinking of getting a double sink/vanity there. It's on place a splurge might pay off).
  • I shut the water main off when I left because I think there is a leak or open valve in the crawl space. I can hear it.
  • This is actually a little funny: The door on the storage space out back doesn't stay closed, so I looked into why. It's mounted inside out! The key side of the latch is inside the shed, and it wouldn't matter anyway, because the latch catch on the jamb is two inches higher than the latch! I think this was the original entry door.
  • I got a weak cell phone signal on the back deck in one spot.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Initial post-inspection walk-through

Every time I look I see something else, more light fixtures, more doorknobs, registers, toilet seats that need replacement. Oh well, I guess that's to be expected.

By the time I got to the homeowners assciation building, it had just closed, so I still don't have a sticker, but hopefully, I'll get one tomorrow.

I still can't get a cell signal out there, and I didn't find a wi-fi signal either (wishfull thinking that maybe one of my neighbors would have an unprotected router available just so I could connect. No such luck. I guess Ma Bell will have to suffice.

This is the 'before' image of the kitchen. Mainly, I'm testing the picture upload capability, but it's good as a reference point. I'm not sure what to do with 'grid' area over the sink, excepot to just paint it white, but it's seems to cry out for something else. Not important right now, but something to think about.