Monday, July 24, 2006

Initial post-inspection walk-through

Every time I look I see something else, more light fixtures, more doorknobs, registers, toilet seats that need replacement. Oh well, I guess that's to be expected.

By the time I got to the homeowners assciation building, it had just closed, so I still don't have a sticker, but hopefully, I'll get one tomorrow.

I still can't get a cell signal out there, and I didn't find a wi-fi signal either (wishfull thinking that maybe one of my neighbors would have an unprotected router available just so I could connect. No such luck. I guess Ma Bell will have to suffice.

This is the 'before' image of the kitchen. Mainly, I'm testing the picture upload capability, but it's good as a reference point. I'm not sure what to do with 'grid' area over the sink, excepot to just paint it white, but it's seems to cry out for something else. Not important right now, but something to think about.


At 7/25/2006 08:28:00 AM, Blogger Rick said...

Thanks, Karen! And Welcome!

The grid area I mean is the latticework above the sink., currently green on white.


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